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Despite Outrage, Nike Sales Increased 31% After Kaepernick Ad


Umbral 8 Sep 9

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So glad. Hats off to Nike management for the courage to make the ad.


Hooray! Let's support a company that exploits children overseas because Kap is on board with it now. Absolutely incredible how shallow most people are.

This issue was too important to be overshadowed by where Nike has its shoes made. Pretty much every clothing company could be hit with the exact same criticism.

Nike took a stance on this important issue at this time. That is a good thing. I'm not going to diminish that stance. Buy their product or don't, up to you. I commend them for this and support them.

@MiltsterD Yeah, fuck those kids. Kap is more important.


I like Zach Galifianakis' response to Nike when they approached him about advertising for them.


As to your assetion that just about every shoe company exploits children. Well, that's simply not even close to being true.


@Piratefish I don't care. I support Nike's stance on THIS subject. That is a different subject. If you are outraged so much about Nike, go create an ad campaign. Maybe I'll support it if the facts warrant it and it's not just hyperbole.


Yeah, I support unethical companies because they do something to deliberately attract the support of shallow people. I'm with you there. Great decision making! Let's ignore the larger ethical violation because they ran a clever ad campaign aimed at boosting their sales, and not because they are ethical (as evidenced by their core business model). Solid thinking skills. Impressive. Most impressive.

Do whatever you want, as long as you're clever and pick the right spokesperson, I always say. Because no one really cares about your complete lack of ethics as long you do the popular thing to attract sales.

Would you also be on board with a child molester as long as they support Kap?

@Piratefish I think someone needs to hear they are right.


You are right.


No. Someone needs to hear that exploiting kids is wrong, no matter who your spokesperson is. And Kap should know better. Zach Galifianakis sure did.

But that's cool. Fuck kids as long as Kap gets his money and attention, and Nike boosts it's sales from the wallets of the shallow, disinterested public. Congratulations, you've been played for a fool, and you don't even care. Incredible.


Two thoughts:

  1. I have disliked Nike for quite some time; well before any advertising relationship they had with Kap. But I dislike them because of their use of child labor and the outsourcing of thousands of American jobs.

  2. It is no secret that Nike exploits children, yet Kap, who claims to be about equity and equality, has zero issues associating himself with Nike. Sorry, not impressed with either him or Nike. It's all just a bunch of posturing, but when it comes right down to it, it's only about the money and recognition.


The citizens of this country are a lot more liberal than Republicans want us to know, just as there are a lot more non-believers than the churchers want to know.


This was the essence of their gamble. They realized that Nike customers older than 35 years of age would probably take umbrage and react as anticipated. Their gamble was that the customers under 35 years of age were more sympathetic to Koeperniick's (,sp) protest and would buy their product. After all, this younger group is really their future customer base.

Yeah, never mind that Nike exploits children. But, hey, as long as they have a cool, hip person in their advertisements, the younger generation will buy their product. Kap should be ashamed of himself. He just lost a ton of respect and credibility with me.

It's TRUE Nile exploits child labor in their overseas factories. And that in itself is deplorable..However, my post was addressing the reason why Nike gambled on Kap. I appreciate your sentiment and wish more were aware or cared. It is true Kap has tied himself to a horse that is guilty of similar sins. It does diminish his protests. It does give him international exposure though for his cause.


Nike is no dummy - They did their marketing homework. More Democrats, more liberals, more Obama fans, and more young people buy Nike. Let Fuhrer Trump's dumb and ignorant followers burn theirs.

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