1 0 posted and profile filled out. So now, what is the meaning of us? Or the group?

Tmac53 2 Sep 9

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well, there appear to be two functions here. one is as a dating site and i probably don't have to explain that to you 🙂) the other half is as a means for nonbelievers to connect socially without being inundated by all those annoying religionists. some religionists may join out of curiosity or other motivations -- i mean, they're not blocked or anything -- but i think it becomes easy to spot who is sincerely trying to learn what atheism is and what atheists do (pretty much anything anyone else does except, you know, believe there are any gods, and stuff centered around gods, like praying or shooting abortionists) and who is trolling. snoop around and see what interests you!


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