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This is why I'm a pessimist.

Kojaksmom 8 Sep 10

Enjoy being online again!

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You have a happy new year ! 🙂


I have scotch tape

I've gained a few pounds in my older age I'll try duct tape

@Kojaksmom I'd be glad to buy it for you as long as I get to help you use it

@steve148 lol you got a deal!

@Kojaksmom Let know as soon as your ready

@steve148 ok

@Kojaksmom Duct tape is useful in tying you up

@steve148 better get a few rolls

@Kojaksmom Do you require that much?

@steve148 Christmas killed the diet


I'm with you on this one.


I hope that you aren't falling apart !


I have always preferred using the term pragmatist.


As I am no longer a big time weight lifter I now lack the ability to move large heavy objects without first building ramps etc. However, despite now being more on the line of average strength, I currently have a high sense of contentment that is for the most part, unexpected.

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