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Odi profanum vulgus et arcea...who else?

Auderif 2 Sep 11

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"I hate and I love"? I never saw much percentage in hate, and what little I did, I gave up a long time ago. Too bad love doesn't conquer all, but alas, that doesn't follow, either.

Hate is just disappointed love, so in a sense, this statement is logically inconsistent anyway. Hatred is anger at love NOT conquering all.

Hatred is not the opposite of love. That would be indifference.

@Auderif Unrequited, disappointed love, is indeed the cause of, e.g., war. We love an imago of others, what we imagine / want / wish them to be. The cause of war is that Others (individually or as various groupings) are not like us, thus transforming them into the Hated Other. That 80% of humanity you estimate as "unable to think for itself" is really just not very aware (of self or others) and at a level of constant unthinking abreaction to imagined (and, occasionally, real) existential threats. War is a result of seeing difference (including difference of opinion) as an existential threat and responding accordingly.

If we did not care what others think or whether they make us [un]comfortable, there would be no hatred. There would be no war (or at the least, far less of it). We have to care ... we have to want something ... in order for there to be hatred. Caring = having expectations = desiring a love object.

A first step for humanity might be to stop wanting things outside its control and to let others be as they are rather than dehumanizing / demonizing them.


Are we meant to be impressed with your knowledge of Latin and do you require us to respond in kind? I presume English will suffice as I would struggle otherwise! The answer is it depends on to whom you refer.

@Auderif I don’t live amongst rednecks, and was merely trying in a lighthearted way to be humorous. I was trying to be deprecating by admitting that I would struggle to reply in Latin, I sometimes find the difference between the language of banter that we use in the UK and by you in the US is like a yawning chasm. You are way too serious with your reply to my flippant remark.


What ? Who ?

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