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Wow, I just had my first Facebook Moment. On Facebook, people block you just for the crime of disagreeing with them... Whaddya know... that happened to me just the moment. I got blocked just for disagreeing with someone.

This is why I don't block people. The day I become that overly-sensitive, then I'm no longer qualified to be on a site like this.

I will block if someone threatens me, or if I feel they're stalking me or being inappropriate, but most people are just obnoxious, not necessarily dangerous. Don't get me wrong, I'm as obnoxious as the next person... another reason I don't block others.

But I would hope that on a site based on logic and reason, we could disagree, without feeling the need to block the person we disagree with.

Benthoven 8 Sep 11

Enjoy being online again!

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I reserve the right to be offended.

I also reserve the right to be offensive at times.

I do not reserve the right to be vindictive or threatening and I reserve the right to not be threatened.

But apart frpom that, I love a battle of wits and robust discussions with people that I disagree with and that disagree with me.

Occasionally (unfortunately not often enough) one of us succumbs to reasoned argument and evidence and changes our minds!


I have been blocked without even knowing or talking to some people on here, oh well, their problem not mine, I don't block anyone, but that's just me!


Don't let it upset you if a simple disagreement made them decide to clock you then they were probably very small and simple minded anyways.


A person who posts while being respectful, but disagreeing, is perfectly fine, but if somebody appears to be trolling (or bullying) it's better to block them, because feeding a troll (or worse trolling them back) can make things go awry fast.


I've been blocked for arguing against religion on Facebook by several people. I find it kind of humorous that they cannot act like an adult and actually refute what I say. I guess it's easier to block or unfriendly.


Solid commentary, and logic. Could you have simply ‘won the debate?’ ...and they’re blocking you confirmed that 🙂

Please, let me know (as I’ve yet to block or be blocked 😕), if they, your blocker, post an obnoxious politically aggressive falsity - you would no longer be able to answer? Or, they simply couldn’t read/ see your response - but ‘we’ could?

Varn Level 8 Sep 11, 2018

@powder I recently corresponded with someone who ‘said he’d been blocked’ by another poster. He knew, guess I’ll discover it when a massive flashing red You Are Blocked pops up as I attempt to respond to something obnoxious 😀


I just blocked someone who said she is a believer and messaged me. WTF she doing on here?

I think if they started messaging me, that would freak me out enough that I would probably block them too. Unless I invite someone to message me, or they message me a generic "hi, mind if I message you" then I'm not comfortable with being messaged.

That's always an odd one because they are allowed in. But you do wonder what they are up to? lol

@Benthoven It was "Hi, how are you doing?" just sounds a little fishy to me with her stating being a believer. I never saw her before on here and she is very new by her profile that says nothing.

@RavenCT Well anyway her picture was appealing like an ad for ##x

@Benthoven and I see that you visited her a bit ago.

@starwatcher-al Hmm! Did I hover over her? I'm scared to go to too many bios because some people freak out that they've been visited.

@Benthoven I'm actually pleased that people vist me, maybe I'm somewhat interesting to them i hope.

@starwatcher-al Me too.

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