If you're in Florence's path, please do what you gotta do to stay safe, whether's it's sandbagging the perimeter and gassing up your generator, or getting the heck outta there. Let us know how you're doing. And whatever you do, make sure to mumble archaic nonsense skyward! Peace.
I just talked to my Son in Raleigh, I said I hope you are getting out. He said, I think that would be a bad idea, we are doing 12 hours on 12 hours off shifts. I totally forgot he was still in the Air National Guard in addition to his college studies. This will be a long couple of days for him and me.
My daughter lives near Raleigh/Durham. The projected path has moved south, plus being that far inland I think she will be ok. She did say the store shelves are almost empty, and you can't find bottled water anywhere.
Hoping everyone in the area will be alright. Luckily, that area is mostly Republican, so Trump probably won't ignore them and leave them to die.
I'm in the upstate of SC and about 170 miles from the coast so well be alright, surely.
@shebaloney I will, thx. Grapes peeled, lol.