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MAGA: No one knows exactly what that is except perhaps a marketing slogan . Idk. But I am here to fill in the gap! Here’s my version of “How to Make America Great Again”

#1) Extreme Liberals who have threatened to leave. You ain’t gone yet?

#2) Extreme “Conservatives” & Neo Cons, that want to remake the world in America’s image and topple Fairly Elected Governments. Go on then! Do it! Move To…..Chile. Iraq. Vietnam, Afghanistan. ( you’ve already fucked those 4 AND America too) Kick Asses Baby! And use your own fucking money and military. Become your own Colonialist, ‘cause I’m pretty sure that being Anti Colonialist is what got this country started.

#3) Religious Extremists and Israel Supporters. Still wanna steal the land from Indigenous people ? Really? In 2018 even. Wow!….Wanna do your part to help end the world in a Biblical Surefire Death Spiral Hell? Well then saddle on up and get the fuck out of here. The Holy Lands are calling you home. Need a push? A shove? You got it! BYE!

#4) Big Government Commies Yeah that’d be YOU. Special Fucking Interest Group. That’s how the government grows DUMBASS….us against “them”. Divide and conquer. Circular firing squad. Something for everyone! Please don’t cash your Social Security check, eat your drug slugged, planet choking, government subsidized red fucking meat and continue getting mentally lazy and physically unhealthy while blaming the government for what you did to yourself. It gets old. In fact, IT HAS GOTTEN OLD. Only place to put you is in the ground. At least you’re doing that much for yourself.
#5) Pointless, worthless, happy, smiley “News” Programs. If you won’t give us intelligence, then please just stick with the babes and the For sports scores, I think most folks who give a shit have ESPN.

twill 7 Sep 12

Enjoy being online again!

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  1. i haven't seen any extreme liberals threaten to leave. i actually haven't even seen any extreme liberals.
  2. and 4. i'm with ya.
  3. don't lump religious extremists and israel supporters together, and learn a little middle eastern history.
  4. we may not agree about which networks are okay, but we agree that we don't need smiley talking heads.


What I do know about #3 , which isn't much, are that I've realized who many of the enablers of that nonsense in Israel are. And they are certainly not all religious extremists.not by any stretch. Some are just run of the mill stupid taxpayers.

@twill and some aren't stupid and you sure do like to generalize. the history bit... that's still out there to be learned. if you're interested enough to comment you could find the interest to learn it.


@genessa What's to know? Off the top of my head: The world created the Israeli state in 1948 or so.
Like many good things, it has taken on a new life and become a land grab. What am I missing here?
Just telling me I'm wrong, sure d does not make you right. Thanks for nothing tho!

@twill you want me to give you, here, the history of israel from the turn of the 19th/20th century through the present, and thanks for nothing because i suggested you look it up? your answer shows you know zip. but i will tell you a tiny part of it. the british mandate set aside a bit of land, slightly larger than israel is now, for the jews, and a HUGE bit of land, mostly comprised of what had previously been transjordan, for the palestinians. teeny and huge. the palestinians complained so the mandate took a sliver from then-israel and added it to transjordan, which was renamed jordan. transjordan already had a population, as did israel, but that mattered little to the british. anyway, israel's population included arabs/palestinians and more and more jews as they arrived. the neighboring arab nations were outraged that jews were coming, and told the palestinians in israel that the jews were planning to murder them. in fact, israel had invited them to stay. those who did are full citizens, and some even serve in the knesset (parliament) to this day (not the same individuals, obviously). the palestinians believed their arab neighbors and fled to jordan, the land set aside for them. the jordanians rejected them. now the palestinians were homeless. so whom should they blame, the jews who said "stay and be israelis"or the jordanians who said "yeah this is supposed to be your land too but stay out anyway"? that's a SLIVER of the history you apparently do not know. if you don't want to know more, that's your business, but then don't make judgments based on what you don't know. if you DO want to know more, the information is available. there is a lot of it. you can find it. it's totally up to you.


@genessa Thanks genessa


So that's what that stands for ! Saw the abbreviation , but never put the two together before . Actually , there are those claiming the baby boomers had the golden age and all the money . So let's think of that then . I was in elementary school when Eisenhower was voted into office , in the early fifties . During his reign , I recently learned , big corporations were being taxed at 90% . We were recovering from both the great depression and world war II , and life was returning to normal . What makes anyone think Trump is going to tax those with the greatest incomes ?


0 sound like someone I DON'T want to get to know. I think I'll block you.


Quite the rant..............but there are some good points in there.....

Thanks "D" sense in waiting for perfection, it may never come .Let it rip!

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