Without clicking on the link (I typically won't click on links in the original post.) and just from what I can see in the link -- it will never ever ever stand. The ACLU, etc. will be all over that in a heartbeat.
I'm soooooooo sick and tired of the bible thumping in this country.
How will a fascist law like this be challenged and beat in a court system where millions of dollars are being spent by right wing billionaires like the Koch brothers to elect imbeciles who do what they're told. The everyday people have to rise up and tell these douchebags that we're not taking it. I don't think we can rely on the courts, laws, politicians, or some asshole political messiah to deal with an insane power structure that is getting more insane all the time.
Who comes up with this stuff? i went to Snopes to fact check it and nothing came.
No problem. As long as they also daily are required to list the punishments for disobeying them(almost always death) and dicuss which of them are actually constitutional. (only two). The rest are not laws or in the case of the first two are clearly unconstitutional. Worship no god before me and don't take my name in vain.
Someone just posted this. WTF are they doing?
Someone else just posted the same link on the same day at the same time?