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What I have to say about religion, or about politics is...go put on Hershey's syrup, turn on music, I like doritos, I like ice cream, I like coke and Pepsi. That's all I can say about any of it.

JosephMelton 4 Sep 12

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Whaaat! You like Coke AND Pepsi? Ever tried a rum & Pepsi? Doesn't work! 😉

Yes I've tried rum and everything and if I need a mixer it works


i don't like hershey's. they make bad chocolate (yes, i know, to some there is no such thing). i do like music, but i'm particular. doritos, boring but not icky. ice cream, well, for me it has to be a good flavor, and that rules out chocolate, strawberry and vanilla, although french vanilla or vanilla bean is good. coke and pepsi, feh! that's not even food. really, you can say no more? not criticizing, but curious: why are you here, then?


I'm here just for the fuck of it my suggestion was that a woman spread Hershey's syrup all over their body and I lick it off but it could be an off brand that's a win win I'm pretty particular about my music but I listen to a lot of different stuff just to go along with the party a soda is a soda I don't care about ice cream it was all really just a joke I don't know what to say but if you talk to me I think about what you say

@JosephMelton thinking is good 🙂) talking (here, typing) is good.


@genessa awesome


The problem is ..the way things are going.. you may someday lose those tasty options…

Too many have felt powerless, or that staying aware is like a permanent school assignment. Or, there’s nothing they can do to curb religion’s intrusion into their lives. And by the time it becomes a problem, it’s long past your opportunity to have done something about it.

My advice: vote with the Democrats, always. Follow their primary elections in order to vote for your choice of - progressive, moderate ..or willing to compromise. Then vote for the winner. That’s it. Elections in the US are obnoxiously placed on Tuesdays, but you can usually vote early with about any honest reason..

Then continue to enjoy life as best you can 🙂

Varn Level 8 Sep 12, 2018

I never vote anything because I don't believe you really have a choice

@JosephMelton this is only true if you don't vote. then for sure you have no choice!



So your concept is to sugar coat everything ?

No I'm just very shallow the idea is just enjoy shallow things

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