I just had a mind blowing conversation with my fundamental christian mother. We discussed the bible, evolution, the universe, and other light subjects.
She tearfully admitted that she does not believe the bible to be infallible. She said that it was obviously, "too full of man".
She politely asked me to stop because I was, "crumbling the last foundations of her faith".
I informed her that I wasn't attempting to do that, but that I was glad she was willing to talk about it with me.
I never thought this day would come.
She told me that she thought I was very intelligent and thoughtful and that she admired me.
Up until today, I was only described as wayward and sinful.
Oh, happy day!
Well done. And you have a good mother!
@Donotbelieve, I mean just in this context, because they generally just relentlessly fight you and never give up, calling you heretical!...heretical!
Sounds like her critical thinking mode is starting to take over.
@Donotbelieve I admire and respect your attitude and conduct. I have often been too much of an atheist. Blind faith and refusal to do critical thinking can anger me if I let it.
Congrats. And I’m glad you didn’t instigate this, but allowed her to come to her own conclusion about it. There’s no need to make her feel any worse than she already must feel. I hope you get closer to your mother.
@Donotbelieve That's unfortunate. I totally get it. There is totally such a thing as too little, too late. And for what it's worth, that might be some poor ass way your mom is apologizing for all the shit she did when you were younger. My dad has yet to say, "I'm sorry." The most he'll do is, "I regret," expecting me to say something to make him feel better. I'm done with all that, so whenever he goes on his tirades, I say, "yeah," or "no," because I can't be that mindless of a robot for him.
i'm so sick of the bible bullshit.....BUT there is something going on out there bigger than me.....and it is important to be a good person. I went to IANDS meetings for 10 years, i me a lot of people who died and came back. Consciousness is something else. I had an experience when my mother died in 1994. It changed my life forever, but I WILL HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE GOD IN THE BIBLE......and or Jesus, Mohamed, Buddha.....they will take your money.
So, even light subjects can make walls break down. It's like the walls of Jericho, the right sound without a lot of effort, over and over again and they tumbled down.
It indeed must have been a happy day. She needs a lot of careful care now to support the awareness she needs.
Such a great story. My dad taught me to believe in mother nature. I think my mom is a believer so she can fit in. My aunt and uncle know I don't believe. My brother turned super religious and it freaks me out butbhe was always a Napoleon Dynamolite type so I just humour him. He acts like he doesn't remember that I am atheist as we were raised. My grandmother was protestant and then Christian I believe but she was deaf so she never knew her grandchildren never believed in god. She never questioned us not going to church with her. I think I went twice. My father says he got kicked out of Sunday school for asking those impossible questions that they can't answer ? and he got beat with a stick for it to get the Deamons out. Crazy stuff happened to people because of religion and not because of atheist so go figure.
Now seriously, take extra care about old people going out of faith. They might not be able to handle the values, social life and community support changes that this change of hearts bring.
If this progress be prepared to become the guide and for some time her only real social contact and support.