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What do you think?

RobertMartin 8 Sep 13

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I would. Doesn't hurt that she's gorgeous either. How long, however, depends on what kind of person she is. If she's an awful human being, I'll take my 10k and walk after 30 days.


A question for those of you who said 'no'. One of you commented on her looks as 'lesser'. Is she unattractive? Is it her age? Is it that you don't want to be 'kept'?

One reason I ask is that I know a number of young female physicians in their 30's whose income is in the low six figures who have trouble finding men to date (not keep as sugar momas). So I'm curious as to whether a woman with money becomes less attractive.


No. I'm gay. Also, I've had offers when I was younger from rich guys. I am not for sale, and/or not willing to be treated like I have been bought and paid for.

only a gay man would have the confidence to make his profile picture topless. hell, i'd do it if i didn't look like 270 lbs of chewed bubble gum. im 6' 5'' so it's stretched out some, but still chewed bubble gum.


There are a limited amount of things in this life that fall neatly into 2 categories: pot is one and women another.
Category 1: GOOD
Category 2: BETTER
THAT'S IT!...So forget the money, it would just cause tension. I'm in!


For one month I think I could




Pointless for me, as she's probably straight.


I've dated far lesser looking girls for much lesser reasons. Why not?


so you are a sex pet basically?



Why would she want to do that ? And what does she want in return ?

I'd say that she wants good sex in return. That and someone who won't cheat on her.

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