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Satirical Post
Vatican Orders 50,000 boy robots to serve priesthood following viewing of Ruptly video on YouTube.

Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro from Osaka University said the robot, called Ibuki, was built to interact with humans and can move, talk, blink and express his emotions just like us.

The child like robot has fully movable fingers and thumbs, can be programmed to speak in any language, be fitted with different faces to cater for all ethnicities and sexual proclivities as well as being fitted with other body appendages in order to cater for group sex.

Osaka University Ethics Committee is considering the benefit to humankind in not having more children molested and traumatised compared to the trauma inflicted upon robotic bodies controlled by computer and human written programs.

FrayedBear 9 Sep 14

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1 the money roll


oh god no

You are a prohibitionist Len?

@FrayedBear Purely a matter of personal taste I assure you.

@LenHazell53 Is that for priests, boys or robots?

@FrayedBear In this instance pity for the Robots

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