Having not watched it for many years, I watched The Killing Fields last night. If you are wavering on belief v. no belief, a God v. no God debate if you like, then this movie will leave you in no doubt.
The ruthless slaughter of probably almost 3-million innocent men, women, and children by Khmer Rouge is certainly a debate winner for me.
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”
epicurus' reasoning is not why i don't believe in any gods. i understand that his meaning is not as simple as "i'm mad at god so he doesn't exist" but it ends up sounding like that. i think people whose disbelief is based on that really do think there is a god, somehow. i don't believe in any gods because there simply is no reason to believe in any gods. yes, i not only have seen the killing fields, i have seen it numerous times, as i used it as a teaching tool when i was a teacher. it could certainly make one angry at a god in which one believed, but since i don't believe in any gods, it makes me angry at humans instead.
The US is culpable for committing genocide as well, and for enabling those also doing so, such as what is currently going down in Yemen and Syria, ignoring the ongoing genocide in Myanmar. .