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Interesting, preferably funny, names for male and female genitalia.

For example, I heard the term 'Dave & The Twins' used for a gentleman's penis and testicles 🙂

Got any?

ipdg77 8 Sep 15

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That is crude and offensive. I block anyone who is crude, lewd, or rude.


My favorite for men's parts comes from Buster from ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT. He calls them his Linus and his Charlie Browns.


‘Meat and two veg.’ M
‘Clunge’ F
‘Paradise passage’ F
‘The pink obo (blowing/playing the)’ M
‘The Vaginator’ F
‘Crown jewels’ M
‘The one eyed snake’ M
‘The valley of delights’ F
Can’t remember any more right now, but there’re loads.

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