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Don't. You. Hate. When. People. Post. Like. This.

why do they do it? i mean, most people have to write at least a little bit in school. no teacher would ever accept that. of course no teacher would ever accept my lack of initial caps either, but then, i make them in formal writing. i didn't have arthritis in my hands when i was at school, either.


genessa 8 Sep 15

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Your example is much like texting which I absolutely hate. People are like that today and it's not just kids. My grown daughters can text you a letter. Why not e-mail me a letter instead. People today would rather text a job interview.

i refuse to text. i just refuse. i don't even check my texts. if someone knows my phone number they can CALL me.


@Avicenna lol (oops sorry). i will do stuff like lol and omg, but r u and y and all that shorthand -- uh-uh. nope. not for me, and it hate seeing it too.



I agree, but when I went to school we used a pen and paper and we were taught how to spell correctly.

if my peers' spelling is any example, i don't think we were taught that. i learned to spell by reading. some of my teachers were ignorant as hell. (i had an english teacher tell the class "you rise your hand; your hand raises." i had another english teacher tell me there was no such word as "perpetrate" and i must have meant "perpetuate"; as it happens, i had meant perpetrate, which is a real word.) i have arthritis in my hands. i sure am glad i have a keyboard and don't have to hurt myself holding a pen.


@genessa I'm with you. We used to have to use Italic pens, which was made even more difficult because I am left handed.

@magicwatch there is little accommodation, even these days, for southpaws.

i am righthanded for tools (forks, pens) but lefthanded for some (dealing cards, opening bottle or jars, many cooking motions that don't require tools) and ambidextrous for others. it's weird.


People print their names today. That's all they know. How the hell would they sign a check or a contract?

@DenoPenno or even an English cheque ?

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