Something I can't quite wrap my head around.
While Atheism, 'nons',freethinkers etc. are growing in numbers every year.
The rise in conspiracy theorists is at an alarming rate.
Moon landing deniers, Flat Earthers,Crop circles, ancient aliens,global warming deniers.etc.
the list goes on.
For the life of me, I can't understand why this sort of thing has been growing, and growing.
Any one have any theories as to why this is happening?
better world connections pre internet you had to physically buy a magazine dedicated to your weird or write a letter and hope it was read by like minded post internet everyones an author all you have to do is find an echo chamber to your liking and people are morons by and large
My take on it is that this sort of 'mentality' is indulged in by people who have never come to terms with the modern 'scientific' world that they find themselves in. So they get into creating their own fantasy world that confirms to their own imaginings which is often based on a fundamentalistic Biblical world view.
I often see this wilful ignorance and stupidity on Utube. They imagine themselves as being the custodians of 'special knowledge'. Away from Utube ect. they are nobodies.
Religion is a great way to control all the ignorant and gullible. The risk in times like ours is that these people are as ignorant as ever, but have unlimited access to bull-shnitzels. Not a fortunate combination.
In the era of access to information, disinformation is as popular as ever.
Also, people smoke too much weed. Weed and conspiracy theories go hand in hand. ?
The Internet and social media are two factors in the proliferation of these crazy theories. Things spread like wildfire now, not like prior to there being the www, when news and ideas travelled slowly,
I think participation in organized religion served, albeit poorly, as a discipline of sorts. Many of the people leaving it are not going toward a better discipline; they’re going toward no discipline at all. It’s now more socially acceptable to not be affiliated with a religion, so those who previously allowed the church to do their thinking for them are now allowing the TV to do it.
There is a general trend to distrust structures of power or influence like the government, corporations, religious institutions and science among others. This goes for believers and unbelievers alike. Most of this is intentional, so there is an actual propaganda campaign against science for instance (mostly for profit) or against government regulation (mostly for profit). But on the other side this is a side effect of people having worse conditions under the neo-liberal policies of (all) political parties, globalism, automation ect. and being in need of somebody to blame (rightfully or not).
Thirdly, some people are just stupid, man.
it is because of a deliberate campaign to convince the public that nobody can be trusted but trump and no news outlet can be trusted but fox or sinclair. this, and alec jones and his like spreading lies and ridiculous conspiracy theories, has increased the number of people who believe this kind of crap. it's called brainwashing.