This morning was a total bummer. I just found out one of my neighbors moved. There are only two people I trust that live in this village. He was one. He's a Marine that would watch my house for me when I'm gone. He also knows of people that aren't supposed to be here. Restraining orders and shit. If someone comes to my house late at night, he's watching over me. He's been giving me stuff lately. Now I know why. This just really sucks. I've been fooled by fake friends before. Too many times. He refers to me as brother, as do I.
I myself am planning on moving. Very soon. I'll be 80 miles from this shithole. But I'll have to make all new friends. And I own my house. I guess I can turn the power and water off and just pay the land taxes. Another neighbour mows my lawn for me.
At least I'll be back in a metro area. A small village isn't my thing (600 people). I just need to see if this company will hire me back (or get a job there). FASFA was already approved.
It sucks that your trusted friend moved away. Good luck with the new start!
Thank you! I appreciate your thoughts!