The cost of a date varies a lot by which state you live in, here's a list of the average cost of a date by state.
These are like anniversary prices. My first date 16 poor took my date to a large bookstore. My partner for life we met at work took off to the foothills with case of mike hard lemonade. Seriously what is the price of an embrace, a kiss even passion well it is free.
Yeah I don't really buy into that depending on what you like to do and I live out in nature it can be fairly economical certainly not $271 plus I don't care if it's considered tacky the first meeting will be in a public place probably for coffee where I have witnesses in case the person turns out really crazy
$271.51 in my state? Well no wonder why folks go only for coffee!
Perhaps just coffee on the first date but if you were serious about someone then I could see a quality date costing all of that $271 for dinner for two and tickets to a show. You can't see a play or the opera or a concert for less than $50 a seat so that leaves just $171 for dinner for two with a decent bottle of wine. Better than a couple of cheeseburgers I guess but not over the top either.
@Surfpirate when I was dating before I was married, it was usually dinner or a movie. Or a mountain hike during the day, a day out on a boat fishing. I mean I can see dinner in Boston being $271. ...
@SukiSue It is an average however, some dates would be less than $271 and some would be more.
When you are my age... do you care? I never been "average", "nominal" or "median". I sure won't average anything. I don't play sports anymore. Not my type of date I may add and I am were I am when I am. Just moved from Maryland. But that was not the reason.
There is no way I would pay $226.35 for a date! Where the fuck are these people going? I am in Southern California. Let's meet at the Santa Monica pier, walk around getting to know each other, walk down to the Venice boardwalk to get a meal, wander around town if we still haven't had enough of each other. We each pay for our own gas to get there and $12-$15 for parking. The meal costs $20-$50 depending on what we eat. The rest is free and doesn't distract us from getting to know each other.
Also much depends on the state your date is in.
...In other ways.