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Myths About Christine Blasey Ford Debunked

sassygirl3869 9 Sep 21

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These morons have not a single shred of compassion or morality in their bodies. Yet, has the last decade shown any of us any different from these people? Their response, sadly, was wholly predictable. Republicans need to worry more about the fascism muddying their ideology, and less about attacking a victim of sexual assault.


WOW!! Quick to condemn on the basis of things that can be easily proven false knowing most people will not bother to get the facts. That would be the fox viewers.

TY for posting this.


RepubliTHUGS are RAPISTS and a sick bunch of monsters that are destroying OUR country and are placing the entire world at extreme risk. Once they put Kavanaugh on SCOTUS, the SCOTUS will lose all credibility as a thoughtful deliberative body of balance thinking and ruling. Just a huge rubber stamp for the criminality of people like the EVIL Koch Brothers and their greedy friends.


they're not myths. they're outright lies. the republicans are practiced at that!


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