I don't agree with abortion, mostly on the grounds that it undermines a father's parental rights. In that regards, I can see a point in Lawrence Lockman's comments. Essentially I am against any violence to other beings, be they animals, children, women or men....but if women can murder, why can't men rape; it is a lot less violent and permanent than death. BTW...I am also against the death penalty.
The point is we have a hypocrisy in our society about what constitutes murder and violence and what doesn't. @Paracosm I know there are no parental rights before birth, ergo a problem with respecting any input from the father about life or death. Of course I don't see that solved till science can simulate a womb. And regardless of what his intention in the meaning was, I interpreted as rape is very very......very bad, but murder is worse. @Humanistheathen ...so amazed how much you seem to think you know about me. I'm of the opinion people get off their ass, quit relying on electing officials to solve problems, and we all start thinking about respect for others right to live.
Good question Steve. Ignorant constituents elect ignorant officials.
I remember these and especially that one from Todd Akin in Missouri. Thankfully that moron was not elected. Take note that these people are against Roe v. Wade and are trying to explain rape in some acceptable way. Shit like this happens when religion marries into politics. These are the same people that say slavery was good because it gave the black man the one true religion. Vote them out!
If any of these were raped, I bet you'd hear something very different.
Can't happen. their asses are to tight
@steve148 But their mouths are always open.
@TheGreatShadow Your right, I over looked that.