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Trump now wants to not give green cards to legal immigrants who use any kind of public assistance. Which creates a catch 22. If a person wants to get off publica assistance they need to work, in order for a legal immigrant to work they need a green card, whcih they wont' be able to get because they used medicaid or some other form of public assistance.

When Fasicists rise to power they choose a group to demonize. For Hitler it was the Jews. Anyway,. they start with small incremental steps to fuirther marginalize the group, to where eventually they are denied basic human rights, and every step that brought society there was so small and gradual, that people weren't exactly sure how they got to a point of rounding up the marginalized people up and sending them to death camps.

You might say, "that woudl never happen", but I once thought that the U.S. government would never have torture camps, as they did under George W. Bush. Thinking (or rather totally denying) something (an atrocity) can't happen opens the door of opportunity for people to do it... and it will probbly happen to be done in your name, just like the torture under Bush was done in the name of the American people.

snytiger6 9 Sep 23

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I completely agree! We need to cut subsidies for LEGAL immigrants! How else are we gonna pay for his golf trips, and vaccations to mar-a-lago?



But his agendas don't have to make sense, they just have to deter immigration or do whatever is on his mind at that particular moment. We have to vote come November.

gearl Level 8 Sep 23, 2018
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