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Ok this website advertises on FB, which is where I found it, as a dating site.
Without mentioning anyone:
Who has met a person where mutual interest of dating each other is shared?

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Knightrain07 5 Sep 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Twice, even.

Carin Level 8 Sep 24, 2018

This is a new website, so probably not a lot of compatible members live nearby.

I meet plenty of interesting people with a mutual interest in dating, but I'm currently living in Thailand and plan to move to Lexington, KY, later, or possibly Albuquerque next year, and the few compatible people my age usually live far from me, some even in the U.K. or Australia.


Have heard of dates between members on the mainland USA, and even successful relationships formed, but I think we are disadvantaged a bit here in Hawaii, with fewer members. The site is only about a year old, so it could be that as more members join, there will be more possibilities. Keep checking in and see if that happens! Otherwise, it's a nice group of people here just for discussing various topics. Have met some nice folks through messaging, but chance of ever meeting is pretty slim, due to the distance. Good luck!


I've only sent two generic "hello" messages, but neither have replied. Maybe I'll try someone else next week... Oh, you said met.


its not a traditional dating site most are here for the community that being said there have been some pairings the difference being everyone else gets to hear about them and the community aspect is something that makes it worthwhile if you are looking for a quick hook up ild say go elsewhere if not you might find new friends or topics of interest good luck


Met My Dan here-been living together since July.


Yes,4 different Women, no face to face,but as in any place of interaction,I've run into scammers. the most recent gave me some phone numbers,so I back traced them and alarm bells and sirens went off.So be careful if you think a Women contacts you,"trust,but verify"

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