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I've seen a post dissing Valentine's Day and I totally get it. I understand it's a day just to make money off candy and gifts but I love gifts. With that being said here's my gift to all of you. Enjoy the V. D. Pictures.

SonderOpia 8 Jan 26

Enjoy being online again!

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In my twenties, my single buddies and I would celebrate Valentine's day at strip clubs. I think we thought we were being clever. 😉


I block anyone who pretends Atheism is equal to religion. ...this is worse than saying making love is equal to rape. ...our freedom from faith is science logic and ethics while belief is anti-science irrational and violent

Cupid is cute mythic metaphor transforming the quiver of war into arrows of love. ...the candy dope pushers are selling diabetes and sugar is priceless

I'm not quite sure how this comment fits in with these pictures however I do understand what you're saying and I agree.

@GreenAtheist you don't have to participate in Valentine's Day. The one great thing about being free and having freedom is you can pick and choose what you want to be a part of. I don't have diabetes so I have candy when I like candy. It's up to the individual to decide if they want to shove that candy in their face. Personally I like shoving chocolate in my face.

@SonderOpia Cupid is murdered with an arrow and I posted a eulogy to the sweet thing

@GreenAtheist LOL


It an honour to write to a woman not all consumed in valentines.
Love is usually measured by thoughtfulness. Forgiveness. Generosity and understanding. Continually practiced and improved all the life of the relationship. Valentines is one day. Token romantic behaviour although appreciated would be more convincing if it happens more often than not.

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