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Ted Cruz:
"That's right, Texas - I want to rape you like a convict for 6 more years. . ."
This was actually realeased for a while as a Cruz poster.?

towkneed 7 Sep 24

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Almost too much to wish for, but a Cruz loss would go a long way toward restoring people's hope that Texas has some sanity left. Sorry Texans. I live in Central PA and as it has been said: PA is Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with Alabama in between. Any PAers, don't eat Maple doughnuts. They have Wagner (A real asshole, and Republican candidate for Governor) giant signs on their buildings.

I live here and I am sane. There's more of us than people realize. We've just learned to be quiet for fear of our careers, our families. But maybe we're starting to feel like we can speak up . . .


Yeah, in his fucking dreams.

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