Seriously, if you were an alien with the technological ability to travel great distances in the universe and you had the whole universe to possibly visit, would you really want to visit a planet in which its dominate species spent most of its time killing each other, thinking up new weapons to kill each other and defiling the that planet with pollution with has adverse health effects to the very species that is creating the pollution?
Apparently. We've sure had a lot of "out of town" visitors over the centuries.
they would have to be initially very close to have any clue that a civilization was inhabiting the planet to start with, less than 44 light years if we used the 1st focused radio signal beamed from earth specifically meant to garner aliens attn., granted a technically advanced species would probably do wide searches for planets within a stars habitable zone with conditions being suitable for life water,an atmosphere etc but even then the distances involved are mind boggling even within our own relatively average sized galaxy . As a species we would die approaching a speed of half that of light i imagine most biological species would encounter the same issues so probably no it would not be worth the effort to visit squabbling apes
Some conspiracy theorists think that that is the reason that we haven't seen any aliens yet is that they're avoiding us