Who do priest confess to about their sexual abuse?
They don't. According to a priest in my area, it's not even wrong. ???
Many confide to each other, others to those in higher positions, some "to God" and others never confess. Priest are humans, and this must not be forgotten.
"Priests are humans, and this must not be forgotten."
I doubt that anyone, here in this environment at least, is saying that they aren't human, nor is anyone guilty of forgetting that simple fact. It is for this reason that, from the pope on down, each priest must be held accountable, just as the 'bad uncle' or local child molestor.
@pnfullifidian I agree, I did not wish to point fingers or infer anything towards Green heart. I have noticed lately that many see priest as a different or higher class of human beings. Even if they should or are held to higher standards they are not actualy any better than anyone else. They are simply thought to be. Thank you for calling attention to my post if I was not clear.
Should be obvious, to bishops, who confess to cardinals, who confess to the pope ... in other words, they're all in on it!