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Not well..freshers flu. Blooming students!

Amisja 8 Sep 25

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Its adult students sharing their bugs. I always get a flu shot. Just the bugs beat me to it this year. To be fair, I probably only have a bad cold. I had flu once it was the sickest I have ever been.


In my 20s, I was getting such severe flus in the winter, I was worried, plus I kept getting ear infections, yeast infections, my joints were stiffening, and my heart would often flutter.

Then I got so sick I almost died.

So I pulled myself together, dumped red meat, white flour, white sugar, most processed food, and switched to whole, organic food.

After I'd gone through detox for a couple weeks, hacking up stuff from my lungs due to eating meat, I suddenly had a surge of energy and had double my stamina when jogging.

Also, I never had colds, flu, ear or yeast infections again, and I'm 66 years old.

Still, eating a clove or two of fresh raw garlic at bedtime will break up congestion and help your immune system fight back.


As the school bus driver, I can relate. Just got my flu shot, I wash hands every day after driving. I also walk to work in all weather, I live two blocks away. Made all of last year without getting sick, hoping for the same this season.

Avoid touching the School bus handrails and then around your mouth, eyes,or nose. You might have a small packet of disposable wipes handy too. Like the shopping carts at the grocery stores are doing.


I feel your pain! Kids coughing, sneezing and slobbering all over me every day!


My ex-husband, Terry, was a schoolteacher. He said new teachers always get sick.

The good news is that your immune system will strengthen.

As a seasoned teacher, Terry rarely got sick.

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