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Some say don’t gloat, but a sexual predator getting justice brings a smile to my face...
Eff this hypocrite. I hope he rots in jail and never sees the light of day.

Rideauxb 7 Sep 25

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I feel so betrayed by that man when I was a little boy I was very very poor and I used to watch Bill Cosby and the Cosby Kids and it always taught me that just because you're poor doesn't mean you're not a good person and that you should respect yourself and others and be a good person and all the time that he was trying to telling me this he was raping women I am so glad he got what he deserved


But I loved his humor and his TV shows, so it's a crushing disappointment for me.
I can't even think how much the Cosby rapes have upset the black community, after all those years that Cosby was a successful comedian and philanthropist.


Agreed. Such a huge a disappointment.

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