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Nightly buisness Report-pbs
" Teens are getting more plastic
surgery then ever before"-reason
peer pressure/bullying.
How does this enviorment
shape the reality that holds a grip
on Americans that image is
everything... celebrate the uniqueness
of everyone-(inclusive)
...or a " STEPPFORD " reprint(clone)

BBJong 7 Sep 26

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I have always been open with my daughter, like my best friend. After all she is the love of my life. When she wanted tattoos, I told her I perfer a wild t shirt, rather than a permanent mark. So she only got a tiny tattoo. When she was smoking too much pot and drinking. I said, would perfer you as a pot head than an alcoholic. Hope you would be neither. She cut both of them down alot, sometimes we vaporizer pot together.

I am often complementary on her natural physical beauty. So she only changes everything naturally.


...if u have nothing nice to say:::😕ay nothing
at all. I grew up around people(proudly)
who over came physical/or emotional defects;
maybe even turned them into streangths...
I came away admiring them'''' having
been taught thier inner resolve to love
who they knew themselves to be..,And
not believe the false putdowns/I'm ok
your ok.
i don't believe it benefits anyone otherwise

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