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TODAY'S ADVENTURE : Had a pacemaker installed . Have been out of hospital for a week . Not allowed to drive for another week , but am getting cabin fever . Had phoned in for a medical refill , so decided to scooter over to CVS , with a possible side trip to Walmart's on the way home . Charged the scooter overnight , to be sure I had a full charge . Skies still overcast , but I don't expect emenient rain squall . Brushed my hair and as I put my wide brimmed , aqua , straw hat on , my glasses slid down my nose , no longer joined over my nose . Joy! Doubled a plastic bag & hung it over the scooter armrest , pocketed my phone , and left by way of the front door ramp . Set the speed for one below full rabbit , to conserve battery charge . At the first stop lighted intersection , while waiting for the light to change , a truck pulled into the turn lane perpendicular to me . As we were waiting for the light to change , the driver called out , asking if , the light would recognize the scooter as traffic . I wasn't sure , so pulled up on the recently installed ramp and pushed the walker's button . Light eventually gave way to the both of us and we each went on our way . Since I was in the scooter , instead of going though the drive through , I went inside the store , and in addition to picking up my refill , also got a flue shot . Now, there's only a block between the CVS and Walmart , but the shortest route is along FM 1960 , a very busy , high traffic main road . The block between the two has a U Haul on one corner and huge church complex on the larger portion . I rather suspect the church makes a kind of L shape around the U Haul place , and had noticed several roads and some parking areas behind the U Haul . So when I left the CVS , instead of going via 1960 , I back tracked and tried the roads / parking areas behind it . Sure enough , as I made my way across and up a ramp onto the sidewalks around the prekindergarten , I found myself in some quiet garden areas with pruned ivy , benches , and a running water fountain . Lovely secrete little areas . Eventually , came out the opposite side , near the Walmart driveway . Scootered across T.C. Jester and up the hill , into the Walmart parking lot . The new strip mall at the side has some stores open , but nothing of interest to me . The Walmart garden center doors were still closed , so entered near the Halloween displays . Could spend a fortune there , but without baskets on my scooter , my purchases would have to be limited . Picked up a package of chicken breasts , a peach , a banana nut cake , and a bottle of cider . Was a bit short handed and a kind gentleman in a scooter helped me open a plastic bag for the peach . Found my cashier , the muslin lady , who not only checked me out , but came around the register and gave me a hug , as well . Javid , another known cashier , grinned a hello . The greeter gave me a hug , as I left the store . The man in the scooter , who'd helped me bag the peach was exiting , as well , so I challenged him to a scooter race . He cracked up , as I headed out the door , and down the walkway to a ramp . Made it home with no real problems , ahead of what still promises more rain .

Cast1es 9 Sep 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Sounds like you had a great trip experience on your scooter-it can access anywhere!


Good you got out and got some air. Take care now.

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