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Flourless almond butter cookies. Coconut oil, almond butter, maple syrup, salt, baking soda, hemp powder. Maybe a dash of raw cane sugar. with or without dark choc cacao.

tacomaa6 5 Sep 28

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I hope I can eat food like that by the time I get back to the US. As I take cannabis oil to treat intestinal cancer, severe food allergies I've had for decades have been gradually receding. It says online that cananbis cures food allergies, so I guess that's why.

Right now, prehaps because of my compromised intestines, my body has been rejecting most things that are raw or "healthy" - only letting me eat a few things at certain times of day.
Going against these "rules" has usually resulted in a sudden, steep turn for the worse in cancer symptoms.

Right now, I can't eat raw fruit, drink coconut milk, or eat raw vegetables, except for few leaves of dark greens once a day.

For instance, recently I started craving, and found I improved drastically when, I started eating a KFC ice cream cone and a square of bakery chocolate cake/brownie each day about 10 AM.

But at least it's chocolate!
And ice cream. I tried other bakery goods and other brands of ice cream a few times, or increasing the amount I ate, with disastrous results to my symptom improvement (sigh).

But I keep steadily improving...


With dark chocolate. Looks really good.


Looks delicious.

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