Does anyone else get cheezed off when you're charged an "online payment fee" for something that otherwise would require an employee to handle?
It runs $1.25 every time I pay my water bill online. Nobody at the fiefdom has to take my payment, process the check, enter the payment into the computer system or otherwise deal with having to look at my face.
Shouldn't I be getting a discount instead?
Here in Ellensburg I have found the city services people singularly unhelpful. I do not even bother trying to paid on line. I just go to the office on the day I run into town for other errands and shopping.
There is a fee charged for nearly all credit and debit card transactions. There are entities, like cities and electric cooperatives, that won't pay that fee since online payments are for your convenience. They're going to pay the employee anyway. I know that the rural co-op here won't take debit or credit cards even at the window.