This terrifies me. My oldest sister was homeless for years.
@Infoguy211 Have you been scared for years or homeless for years?
@Infoguy211 I have too. Living on disability there’s an expiration date. It’s terrifying.
@Infoguy211 My counselor told me this is a common fear with all of her patients on Social Security.
@Infoguy211 I really hope so.
Its coming. What people forget is the reason Social Security came to be was because people individually didn't save money when they were young for those golden years. People tended to just get thru from paycheck to paycheck and not get too wrapped up in the "what ifs" coming 40 years down the road. It was always designed to be a safety net to ensure the elderly didn't end up like this picture. Privatizing it will be benefit a few.....but will hurt many more.
I would say a well founded fear for the masses. - - Primarily the less informed tRumplicans that blindly empowered the current trend to disparity for the less then "Haves".
On one hand, I do feel sorry for most likely slated for a treacherous (short lived) future, as they are tRump supporters, but on the other hand, I wonder if they don't deserve this outcome as it as a result of their ill-informed/delusional outlook of reality. I do feel only sorrow for the many who voted against tRump but that will likely also be left up the creek without a paddle.