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Sen. Flake - forces real investigation.

Sen. Jeff Flake voted to pass Kavanaugh through the Committee but called for an FBI investigation before it goes to the full Senate. And that he would not promise he would vote for Kavanaugh on the Senate floor until that FBI investigation of the sexual assault accusations comes in and is acceptable.

MrLink 8 Sep 28

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Today we watched a tired and beaten America come back to her roots and do the right thing.. We say democracy in action. Fortunately the rules ruled the day and thanks to the democrats for finally taking this task on.

EMC2 Level 8 Sep 28, 2018

Good on Flake!

The Senate will ask the White House to order the FBI to carry out a week-long background check on Brett Kavanaugh, before voting on whether or not to confirm him.

Two Republican senators, including Jeff Flake, have said such a move is a condition of their agreeing to vote for him, forcing the hand of the majority leadership.

Mark Judge, who refused to testify to the Senate committee, says he will cooperate with the investigation.

Earlier, that committee voted 11 to 10 to advance the nomination after Flake, a Republican, asked for the FBI investigation.

Flake’s proposal was informal because the judiciary committee doesn’t set the vote, senate majority leader Mitch McConnell is responsible for that.

Donald Trump had been meeting with the president of Chile during the committee meeting but said shortly after the vote: “I just want it to work out well for the country.”

The day started with a morning vote on whether to vote to advance the nomination in the afternoon.

Nearly all the Democratic senators walked out in protest of that vote, but ultimately participated in the afternoon vote.



You need to follow the rule of law. The FBI should be allowed to do their job, no trial by jury, the jury being the public.


Posted earlier. Please check so we don't have repeat posts.


he always says one thing and does another. no one is going to listen to him. i wish....


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