Even Pacifica Radio founded upon grant money free from commercials has been co-opted for greedy fake news. ...the honey bees are dying for polluter greed and watch how much money food will cost when hand pollination is required to replace dead bees
Gads... take a look at the chart. The chart itself is biased. Maybe the better term is that the chart is demonstrating the idea that there is a desire to make a false equivalency of the left and the right; to some how demonstrate that "both sides are doing it."
My wife found this chart some time ago. Based on it, I did get two of the online papers from the middle group. Am happy, as they seem to be pretty fair in reporting. And do stay away from the extremes on both side. For my own sanity, I read a little each morning to be informed, then get away from the daily circus.
I read enough to stay informed, but not too much or my anxiety will sky rocket. It is hard to find the happy medium.
Good chart. I see it only covers the main stream sources. Too bad more like FFRF, the Humanist are not on it. Of course they are specifically directed and not inclusive.
You think infowars and breitbart are mainstream?
@shockwaverider According to the chart Infowars is in the utter garbage category where it belongs. lol