Five things to quit. Trying to please everyone. Fearing change. Living in the past. Putting yourself down. Overthinking.
All easier said than done but the bad news is there are more box canyons than just these five. If you have anxiety issues for example you generally have to add "over-scanning for potential threats", that endless parade of "but what if" questions that paralyze their decision-making. I suppose that kind of goes under "overthinking" but it's a particular, "spinning" kind of overthinking that goes well beyond what most people mean by the term. This is just an example that's top-of-mind for me because I have family members that exhaust me just watching them, much less what it must be to BE them.
Easy to do when we are happy and contented but not so when we are stressed.
@HardBlues69 It certainly is. We need or I am now talking about myself. When I am stressed or sad, I seem to forget all about putting myself down and overthinking.