Make America SICK again!
I just found out that the insurance policy I've had since birth will be cancled in December. Yes In Dececember I would have had the same policy for almost 35 years!
I need another back procedure done. Great.
My mother was just diagnosed with hep c. She went to the doctor today, and just told me that the insurance company might not cover the treatment she needs. If that happens the doctor himself said she will die a slow, painful death.
I hate to say something like this, but I wish someone would put a bullet in his fucking brain!!!
Republitards tRump are nothing short of evil.
I wonder if this (something similar as this is an old story) could be an option for you mother? []
I have heard a few stories around here that it might happen to some folks here in South east Ohio. If this starts happening as much as they say it could and people die from not getting treatment (Sarah Palin's death panels anyone?) while the corporations get huge tax cuts that could have paid the treatment, then the republicans will lose even more support.