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I just don't understand how people can stand being alone. It is the worst feeling for me. I wish it weren't but I have to be honest. Wondering if I'm some sort of freak as most seem just fine with it. Am I?

Deanervin 6 Oct 3

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I think some of us are more "couple" people than others. Liking to be alone or not are just different things. But you do need to put yourself where you are most comfortable. It's a task but one that has Rewards.


I do not like being alone.


I met someone who o thought would be my forever partner in life, but it didnt work out and I'm back to the status quo, lonely and alone. But at the same time, I'm throwing myself into my passions and hobbies and just working on myself. Also, counseling, yoga, meditation and even medications after seeing a physician are all options to consider. Despite all that, I understand how you're feeling.

I've read that love will find us when we least expect it. Seems the looking, and not quite being desperate,scares off any good intentions.


I can’t stand being alone so I find ways not to be. I get out into the community and make myself useful. I work three days a week so the others are spent volunteering.

Working on it!


Being alone isn't necessarily mean one is lonely. Maybe the question should be, why don't you like being alone with yourself? What is it about being in your own company that you dislike?

GwenC Level 7 Oct 4, 2018

Like myself just fine. Plenty of alone time already built into life as is.


It's a learned very important skill to acquire. Time, perseverance and conscious intent will get you there. Good luck


It's not bad at first, but after a while it's tormenting. It's depressing. We need human interaction to survive, but I'm starting to think I will never find it again.

Yeah. Getting older, not much life left and wasting time. Ugh!!

@Deanervin I hear you. We seem to be in the same boat.


I'm reading and hearing a lot about how we men aren't as good at socializing, especially in our later years, and have a tendency to become more alone than not.

Yeah difficult to know best way to get out there.

@Deanervin Activities. That's how women seem to do it. Book club, yoga classes, knitting club, museum groups, hiking groups...things that don't just involve getting together around a ball and smashing into each other. That's what I've seen from the woman that I know at least.

Yeah, considering ballet classes as men get in for free there. LOL

Maybe fear the next Woman(if ever),will try to change us to be like their lost husband was,manners,dress,and habits?

@Mike1947 seems like I've been punished by women often enough in the same way their exes treated them. Hurt people hurt others, it seems.

@Deanervin that's a seperate issue that deserves another thread. It would take too long to discuss here ?


Don't get me wrong. Being alone can really suck. But that's mostly because we're taught by society that there's something wrong with you if you're not 'getting some' so to speak. I'm trying to deprogram this mentality from my mind. I want to learn how to love myself first before I can love others. Being happy single will make you happier when you're with someone rather than feeling dependent and therefore less happy. Being in a relationship for the wrong reasons will after all lead to less happiness.

You become a target for the scammers even on this site,join a dating site,be it free or paid monthly,and your inbox will be swamped from 20 and 30 year old Women from about every country who has the internet. Loneliness is big business...... Men and Women have been scammed,So how do you weed out the good,from the bad? Questions,watching for spelling mistakes,slang,or if you call,and try to talk to the one showing interest,the connection is horrible,that's when you say NOPE!


Everyone is different. I have been alone for a while and I feel great. Nothing wrong with that.

Agreed, but still don't understand it.


Not at all, you do you🙂. I enjoy being relationship free, I have dogs so technically I’m not alone, but I’m definitely not interested in humans lol.


Not really..that just means you're a typical male.

Studies show that although women can usually live alone happily, most cis hetero men don't fare so well and both their physical and mental health often suffer.


Not my experience that most are fine with it at all. Id say you are in the majority camp


Try to learn to like, respect and especially, love yourself. Sounds trite but it works. You will come to the realization that when you are by yourself, you are not alone. You will also be much less tolerant, in the best possible way, of putting up with people who at best add nothing, and at worst are a negative influence. I am social and can and do get along with anyone, from dive-bar Trumpie to the boardroom. However, I am highly selective about who I choose to spend time with. Often, I choose me.

It won't happen overnight. Good luck.


i love being alone, though not all the time. i like being with people too, and i like being with my guy... love being with him, but you know what? i still need my alone time too. now it IS different having him. most of my life i was alone whether i wanted to be alone or not. i had boyfriends sometimes, but lived alone, never was in love, nor was anyone in love with me. the past 18 years (and i am 66 and a half now) have been quite different. it was an adjustment, when we finally began to live together. even spending so much time together was an adjustment. i do love my alone time! only for someone i love would i give that up... and i still tell him when i want to be alone.



Ya know something I heard that has stuck with me.

If you were on an island all by yourself..You would have to be comfortable with just yourself for company.


@Deanervin and @memorylikeasieve, I am as much of an extrovert as you can get and still be acceptable in public places. I am definitely not an introvert. I'm just fine with being alone. I'm just fine in a crowd. I've worked as an entertainer and a public speaker. I've spent months at sea alone. I have never felt this thing people call loneliness. I'm happy with others and I'm happy without others. I've also never been bored, though I have been in what I can only say were boring situations.


I think there is a vast difference in being alone and feeling lonely. I have no problems being by myself and doing things solo and I rarely have felt lonely in the process. I wonder if you could be more specific, is being by yourself troubling you or not being with someone troubling you, or both? And, you are not freak.


You're not a freak. Many people would consider those of us who choose to be alone a lot as the freaks. Even some physicians and mental health professionals don't understand introverts. But I do think it must make being alone much more painful if that's not your preferred situation. Some of us have just become so used to being alone that it feels like our preference. Or we redefine our definitions of being alone. I lived alone with my dog for almost ten years and it never felt like I was alone. Since he died this summer I have never felt so alone -- and looking back I have not lived entirely alone without people or animals since I became an adult.
There is, of course, a happy medium. Some human contact is healthy, but being alone all the time is not any better than being with others all the time because you an't stand to be just yourself.
Are you referring to being with friends, or finding someone to share intimacy in life with? The path to both seems to begin with putting yourself out there to meet people who might become either. It's not easy. But give yourself a break.

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