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Have you stopped watching a TV show, or listening to a musician due to their political beliefs? Probably. Have you continued to listen/watch/follow an artist in spite of their expressed political beliefs?

MikaB 5 Oct 3

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Yup. Both. As well as writers.
I used to be a big fan of Derrick Jensen, before all the transphobic shit came out.

In fact I had set up and helped promote events with him prior to him turning anti-trans, anti-queer, and anti-anarchist.about 6 months prior to the major transphobia incident I had a personal fall out with him. After all that I actually got rid of all his books. Now I feel embarrassed to have helped him gain popularity. There's been a couple other writers but none as extreme or personal.

For Tv, it was Family Guy back right after they made a joke about Palestinians being suicide bombers.

For music, there have been a few bands I liked in the punk or metal scenes that turned out to hold Nazi beliefs. One I saw live before the Nazi allegations came out was Inquisition from Columbia; later it also came out that the singer had been arrested years before on child pornography charges.

There have been a few bands that I have continued to listen to despite them saying stuff I find problematic too though. One of my favorite bands for example said some very pro war/military stuff that was disappointing, and another band I love had a anti abortion song years back.


I watch very little TV... More YouTube these days, but I actively try to avoid politics whenever possible; too depressing. One thing that I do miss is Chick-fil-A. At the time that whole thing was going on, I was in a social circle that was very involved in the LGBTQ community.

Chick-fil-A is a greasy soggy piece of chicken on the cheapest of cheap crappy white bread buns.
With a pickle you could read through.

@BufftonBeotch - Didn't used to be. Must've changed


I try to keep art and artist separate, unless they bring their unpleasant politics into their music, acting, writing, etc., in which case it's no longer entertaining for me.

Right Winger expressed viewpoints of punching down are pretty offensive.

Power to the oppressed songs have been icons.

One example -

"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?"

Many others.


@BufftonBeotch The OP is about disagreeing with the viewpoint, though. If I agree, it's not an issue in the first place. An example: I enjoyed Home Improvement as a wholesome comedy show about rearing a family and sometimes dealing with situations that many people deal with (e.g., a cancer scare or a rebellious teen), despite Tim Allen's political leanings. But contrast that with Last Man Standing that seems to be making a political statement against liberal values in each episode, and I'm no longer able to ignore Tim Allen's shallow political engagement and point of view. Art also has to serve its primary function for me to enjoy it. For instance, MASH was a great comedy that had a definite liberal viewpoint — but most important is that it's funny. Amy Schumer, on the other hand, talks about things I often agree with, but I don't find her very funny (though early on I liked her standup comedy), and I can't bring myself to watch her anymore because she doesn't make me laugh.


I intentionally start following people from an opposing opinion so I can try to understand them better. Usually I wind up stopping once their comments start to feel like nails on a chalkboard, but I feel like it does make me understand my own opinions and values better.


I stopped going to chick-fil-a due to their anti-gay donations


Forgot one more... SNL....way to biased now


I never liked Roseanne Barr but I did really love her TV program. Once her mental illness got her booted because of a racist political tweet that was uncalled for I dropped the show quickly. At one point Barr claimed she had to do this because "she is a political activist." So am I sister, but I would like to know what Obama and Jarrett have to do with anything in Trumpian America? Neither of them currently hold any office. It only makes sense if you use Trump Think.


Yes. A long time ago I used to watch The Apprentice, but when I found out about Trump’s birtherism movement I stopped. I also used to like Kid Rock but have since deleted all his music.

The problem with The Apprentice is that it was only a TV show and so many took it as real and thought this man should really be POTUS. How dumb can people get. As for birtherism and all that it caused and brought out, just try getting a copy of your neighbor's birth certificate. Good luck.


No. I only pay attention to the quality of the music.


Personally i don't care what their beliefs or viewws are i don't have to agree with them hell i don't even have to like who they are as a person


I separate art from the artist. Everyone is fucked up, in their own special way. I wouldn't be able to enjoy anything if I boycotted art based on the actions or beliefs of said artist.


Not sure about judging them on their politics and it affecting my viewability or listening to their music, but I still watch movies and shows with Kevin Spacey in them. I can separate their entertainment value from their actual character. That's what movies and music and tv are about. Suspending reality.


I have found the secret to happiness: I have not watched any news in almost a year.
Know WTF is going on doesn’t matter, there is nothing you can do to fix anything. I no longer wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night.


My sister and I "discuss" this on occasion. She claims that I don't watch Tim Allen because he's a conservative Christian. I've never watched Tim Allen, but that's not the reason. I don't watch him because I don't like his acting.

I used to watch Forensic shows and be excited because Trey Gowdy was on. Then I realized who he was. I now turn the channel on those episodes. I have turned the radio station when Ted Nugent comes on. I love Fred Thompson as an actor, but not as a Senator.

Most of the time political views do not bother me, however when they are so vocal that you hear more about their views than their acting/singing..... well then I usually draw the line.


I don't really care what most people's personal political views are. I do care about their actions however and if they are actively supporting (not just monetary) a cause that I have a significant problem with then I may be less interested in their professional pursuits.


I am a huge Bruce Cockburn fan. Found out a few years ago that he became a devout Christian. I still enjoy his music and keep up with his releases, as he doesn’t get preachy in his music. But then you have Michelle Shocked, who went completely off the deep end a few years back after a couple of great albums. I deleted everything of hers from my playlists.

DBau Level 2 Oct 4, 2018

@PalacinkyPDX Thanks for the clarification on Cockburn, that reaffirms my wavering faith in humanity?.


For thier believes? Nah. I might get disappointed in them. It might move them down on the love list a little. If they got really overt in their art, I might I guess. If they were leading the charge of some hate group, I would probably drop them altogether. I guess it has a part to play, but usually a small one.

JeffB Level 6 Oct 4, 2018

I don't require entertainers to be my guide for ethical or moral issues. So, while I'm thrilled that some may have reached the same conclusions that I have -- Vegan, Atheist, Childfree by Choice, Libertarian -- I don't pick/choose what I watch or listen to based on the beliefs of the creative force behind the entertainment.


I tend to appreciate things as a standalone. For example if a movie is remade I take that remake as its own thing and either enjoy it or not. If the remake has its own merits then cool. If a musician disagrees with me politically or otherwise it does little if anything to influence my appreciation of their art. Orson Scott Card is a good example. He is anti gay which I vehemently disagree with his point of view but I still enjoy his writing and consider Enders Game a great book.

Quarm Level 6 Oct 4, 2018

I am usually apolitical as to a performer's non-stage beliefs, but yes: Ted Nugent. Not that I would listen more than once or twice a year anyway (I've matured beyond his style of music) but he is dangerously extreme.


Yes to some extent with few talk show hosts that took the cruzade on politics. Their job is to entertain, not to antagonize. Stephen Colbert (hypocrite not funny), Oliver ( He is not even American, he should be deported), Seth Mayers just pushing his agenda all the time, the other British fatsy (karaoke ride) sings like a champ and funny at times but screw things up with politics too...... Now Jimmy Fallon, hats off to the man for not taking the cheap easy way out trashing everything..... There are more that yeah, I am not looking forward to their show anymore, too much crap going on

@CommonHuman Political satire should go either way. What has been broadcasted lately is targeting the same tune all the time. It gets old


TV shows and musicians are two different things. I presume by TV show, you mean one that has a religious theme, in which case I would never stop watching, or would stop watching if ti realized it was. But for music, unless it's overtly religious, I would still listen despite the artist; I like music that sounds good, regardless of who wrote it.

godef Level 7 Oct 4, 2018

No. Most musicians I listen to are either dead or are not very active in US politics. I don't watch that many TV shows that deal with politics.


oddly no. for the most part, those who not only hold different views from mine but hold them vehemently, do not attract me to start with, whether i know those views or not. the exception would be bill cosby. i never cared about his sitcom; i don't like sitcoms. but i loved i spy, and i used his english language teaching materials when i taught english as a second language. his betrayal of humanity surprised me (though much earlier than the general public, i must say -- i found out in 1996) and saddened me. i think i can still watch i spy, though. it isn't usually on, so it's a moot point at the moment.



Yes, 2 of my favorite musicians wrote and sang songs as well as performed at rallies for a cause I passionately disagree with. While I love their old stuff, I will likely never buy another song or cd by these artists. They likely lost a certain percentage of their fans, but that is their right to do. Similarly, I do not patronize businesses that have political signs for issues/candidates I don't agree with. -- I don't care about the political views of performers, as long as their art isn't about their political views.

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