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On a scale from 10 to 100 how important is sex in your love life with a significant other? 50? 60? More? Less?

HardBlues69 7 Oct 4

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I think it's more important than most people will admit because we're taught that we shouldn't be so interested in sex. Moreover, if you move beyond only defining sex as PnV I think you have a greater sex life. Sex is very important to me and crucial to a relationship even though I'm fine with different levels of intimacy. It's just as important as any aspect of being with another person, so...100.


Can't put a number on it. Depends on the reason and is it temporary. In an active amorous monoganous relationship I'd say 100% twice or three times per week.


75-100 I need the physical connection and I need to be with somebody who wants me. I'm not saying we have to spend all day every day touching each other but I am not happy when my physical desires are not reciprocated. Sexual compatibility is very important to me.


On average I would say that personally it sits between 60 - 70.

But it varies from relationship to relationship. It is all about compatibility, some time we are very compatible socially and emotionally and sex becomes less important. And other times the opposite is true.

But for me if we are not have regular good sex we might as well just be friends.


I agree with everything @nichole765 mentioned. For me specifically this is an incredibly important part of a relationship. I’ve a very tactile and amorous individual. I’ve dated people that weren’t so and they ended up in the friend zone pretty quick.


depends on the quality of the relationship


It's hard to put a number on it, but I'll try:

It's 100.

Not smashing uglies is about the same as being broke together. You wouldn't necessarily think it would cause problems, but there's a lot of frustrations and insecurities tied into it. It will straight up kill the vast majority of relationships, IMO.

You go, Xuande. You only live once and if you miss the moment it's gone forever. No getting it back. Soon you've wasted a lot of moments and you become 90 thinking what the hell happened?


I really struggle with this question. Bc it is important. But most relationships will face situations where it will decrease (pregnancy, parenthood, careers, illness)
Those phases don't change how you feel emotionally. Unless you grow resentful and can't communicate that frustration.
However, if there isn't a valid reason, then it is time to decide if you can stay in a sex-less marriage.

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