Should prostitution be legal?
Maybe. A straight yes is far too simplistic.
First and foremost the safety and mental and physical health should be the first priority for any sex workers.
I am also not sure that the provision of sexual services should be done through brothels. Given that greed appears to be an intrinsic part of human nature, trusting the health of workers to pimps is probably not the best idea. There will always those that are prepared to exploit to provide "extras" and "special" services.
I have no problems with prostitution per se, but do have problems with pimps.
Regulation and unions can only protect so far, but I do agree that it should not be illegal to charge for sexual services and sex workers should be protected by the law and not criminlised.
Could you imagine the union? What if they had a strike...We want a pay raise or no one gets laid!
Chi-Raq in real time!
In Japan, in the early sixties, I was told the concept was that favors were being exchanged. Not a question of legality...I really have a hard time finding fault .