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Jehovah's Witnesses were at the door. They wanted to talk. None for me, thanks. I talked more than I wanted to. Told them I just didn't believe the version of creation that's in the Bible.

They tried to tell me about how it was all about family. I told them my parents had passed and my daughter lives far away. I had stepped out on the porch so I could speak to them. My dogs were howling and barking. I said, do you hear that? That's my family and they're upset that I'm out here and not in there. See ya later.

david75090 7 Oct 5

Enjoy being online again!

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JWs are advised againt door knocking in UK anymore. I know they have being a witness as part of their tenants but they tend to just set up a space in the town centre that everyone ignores. I kinda feel sorry for them.


They once showed up at a friends' house. He said "ladies, my religion is like my sex life, none of your business" They haven't been back since.


I simply teach them on every point they make. It does not take long before they know they are out matched.


The last time JWs visited mt was in 2000. I told them I was a witch. They backed away from me, walked backwards to their car, backed out my driveway & caught a tire trying to get away. Never seen 4 people so scared in my life.

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