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From someone on Twitter,

What do you do when your country breaks your heart? When not once but repeatedly it fails to live up to the aspirations of even those citizens with the most modest of aspirations for it? When the ideals of its founders are left to yellow and be forgotten in archives and museums?

Anonbene 8 Oct 6

Enjoy being online again!

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The constitution is only worthwhile if we choose to enforce it. If we allow the government to continue to ignore the constitution, then what good is it? I think we need to hold a new constitutional convention to modernize the 18th century document improving it for the greater good of the average american. We need to put rules and protocol in place if this ever happens again.


I've been having this problem since the 2000 election, repeatedly. Issues I was trying to raise and draw peoples' awareness toward weren't seen as legitimate issues then but have led to this new crop of problems. The current administration is the gangrene which results from leaving an open wound in a toxic environment to fester. More and more our society resembles pre-Revolutionary France. And if that's what we're in for, the first round of bloodshed will actually be the least horrible set of conditions for upwards of twenty years. On a practical level, the best options are emigrate somewhere more stable (which may be difficult and with the interconnectivity of the global economy there may not be a stable) or operate within the system while preparing for the worst possible outcome. If possible leave major population centers, acquire property, the skills necessary to produce your own food, and the means to defend same. Develop exit strategies and contingency plans. Remember a while back when Homeland Security acquired the resources and ammunition to construct upwards of a quarter million on-the-fly bulletproof roadblocks? That kind of stuff has been going on for years quietly in the federal government. I'm not actually suggesting any kind of long-term conspiracy, but it's something to consider in terms of potential futures.


You join a movement concerning the party of your choice and work with it, next you vote. I am assuming this country to be USA

Yeah, im partial to the words aspiration and progress.
That shining city on the hill was one of my favorites too but I don't see that happening any time soon.


If you figure it out let the rest of us know.

gearl Level 8 Oct 6, 2018

Why would a mass of mud and grass have any effect on my emotions ?


From someone else on Twitter

Trump's views on due process:

For innocent Black & Latino males: "They should be executed."

For females - "Lock her up! Lock her up!"

For white males - Innocent until proven guilty.

For himself - any investigation is a witch hunt.

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