read what folks say. comment when you have something to say. post when you have something to say or share (nice doggie! that's a nice thing to show us!) don't be afraid to disagree with people or be disagreed with but stay civil (not everyone knows how to do this). pretend it's facebook, then pretend it's better than facebook. it sort of IS facebook, but mostly for atheists and agnostics, which means you'll get less "i'll pray for you" crap here. see how we have a variety of topics? we don't JUST talk about not believing in gods! but we talk about that too. follow your interests!
On the top of this page, hover your mouse over "About."
Click on FAQ (frequently asked questions).
In that middle of that page, find the question, "How are the levels determined?"
In the middle of that paragraph, click on the blue link, "Level page."