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Why is it that some men attract so many women and some women attract so many men irrespective of their good look.

Noyi 6 Oct 7

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One more mystery from Mommy nature


It seems the most popular people are those with confidence, kindness, intelligence, an positive active mind, and a zany sense of humor !


People are generally attracted to people who are already happy. Good looks may get a persons immediate attention, but it takes a generally happy person to maintain their interest.


The people I find magnetic, i.e., who have a sparkling personality, show sincere interest in the person they are speaking to. They make you feel like you are the only other person in the room at that moment.

UUNJ Level 8 Oct 7, 2018

Sparkling personality combined with humour. It is a completely disarming combination. It can be incapsulated in one word.....charisma.

But what constitutes a sparkling personality? 🙂

@Noyi You are born with it, it is not something you can acquire. We are all born with different types of personality it is in our DNA. Yes you can improve your people skills by technique and overcome a less than naturally bubbly personality by becoming more confident, but some people are just born that way and they always attract other people to them....they are the natural leaders in any group of people. How they use that magnetism is another matter. When it is used for good it produces people who further mankind but when it is used for less good ends it can turn into cult following and despotism. In everyday life we all know one or two people who are always the most popular amongst our circle of friends and work colleagues.

@Marionville I lean towards thinking that our personality is something that is formed during our formative years and depends on our upbringing and how we are raised. I do not believe we are born with it. But then that’s part of the whole nature vs nurture debate. Can personality be changed later in life? Yes, but it’s extremely hard.

@Hazydays Yes, I think nurture has an influence especially in building confidence or having the opposite effect due to excessive criticism, however I think that certain innate personality traits can be seen from the earliest age, and within the same gene pool. I have only to compare my two sons who have same parentage and upbringing...side by side in the same family and can see one is a born leader and had charm in bucketfuls from toddler age. I know his brother is sweet too but he never had the effect on others that the younger son had. Today, both are successful adults, but I can still see that the younger brother is the one who people are drawn to.

@permanwilson Usually, but it is not a manufactured enthusiasm, that is the point I am making is natural.

@Marionville I have to agree that some people are born more charismatic than others. However, sometimes the less charismatic person is also a more introspective type because things don't come as easily within his/her grasp. It's kind of the still water runs deep cliche'.


Personality (in a nutshell)


Social skills.


Sometimes it's a matter of style.


easy peasy: it's not only looks that attract.


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