62 7

Let's play a game, my fellow heathens! See how many points you can rack up per the sinner sign! I got 24, but to be honest I gave myself one point each for being immodest AND rebellious.

NicThePoet 7 Feb 1

Enjoy being online again!

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62 comments (51 - 62)

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I got 14.


Dam only 18 but I think it's tilted towards the women.


23 here. Although I did count sorcerer because, while I'm not literally a sorcerer, I have a vivid imagination which is what these literal minded twat waffles truly have a problem with.


I got 12, plenty of points. Can't wait to go to hell.


Only got 18, I feel like I should have been able to do better!

EvanK Level 4 Feb 1, 2018

I would love to stand next to that tool with a sandwich board that read "TL;DR".


There wasn't much left off that list. That being said, I only had 13, but that is due to a lack of ambition. I like how they had "bitter people" on the sign, when the whole sign reeks of bitterness.

1 is what I say to that, if you are doing all the things on thar list, you must already be in hell!


Well I am 22 yippee

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