A God has no NEED or WANT. Need and want is a human condition, not that of a God. There is no NEED for religion, or followers by a God. Therefore ALL organized religion is a farce. If God were to want or need anything, God would simply WILL it and it would be done, or would have been done without a need for man. God doesn't WANT and NEED man, it is man that WANTS and NEEDS God to escape FEAR. So man created religion which is actually just that, FEAR. Because FEAR is control. Hence, FEAR is GOD. Islam just took it up a notch.
When I was young, this was a big barrier to my accepting the idea of a god. Why would a god bother with creating the universe, Earth, people, animals, plants, micro-organisms, etc. If he's perfect, why does he need or want all this stuff? What's in it for him? If it's all about souls, why bother with any terrestrial existence at all? Why not just let a celestial existence be all that there is?
The term "God" has many definitions. For an all powerful entity definition of god, it is reasonable to assume god by this definition would not need or want anything as it has power over all.
@RickSanchez One of many character and logic flaws he adopted from his creators (man)