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Every time the issue of spanking comes up, most of my friends usually say something to the effect: "My parents spanked me, and I turned out okay."

They're my friends and I love them, but I have to say: "I know you, and I love you, but you're NOT okay. If you're judging the success of your children based on the way you turned out, you're setting the bar WAY TOO LOW!"

Benthoven 8 Oct 15

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I got spanked. I'm definitely not ok.


My mom used to hit us with whatever was handy....usually a broom . When the rolling pin came out, we ran like hell! My 2 boys together have probably only been spanked 10 times...and it's been controlled, not a freak out session like what I grew up in. Most of the "discipline" with my kids has been me, standing my ground, explaining right from wrong, where I / we stand and why. We've had some great conversations, and they tend to fight with each other more than fighting with me. They both know that I am fair......and weirdly enough now.....Patient?!?!?

twill Level 7 Oct 15, 2018

I agree. I don't remember being spanked by my parents very often, but they did pull my hair, hit me with objects and assaulted me in other ways. Am I okay? Opinions differ. I spent years in therapy, so I'm much better than I used to be.


My older brothers were spanked. I learned not to be. My dad had a ‘board of education’ that had been broken and glued together numerous times.

I don’t spank my kids. It difficult enough trying to teach them not to hit. Timeout usually works. If they need something stronger, I move to grounding. They think that’s unfair. Times they are a changin’.

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