Turn off the TV and go for a walk instead. Much better for you.
Yes! Doing so, I’ve found how much I actually have in common with neighbors the networks would have portrayed to me as ‘the enemy.’ Love it, now I see the the enemy while shopping, purchasing gas or passing on the road. We smile, wave or talk … and my actual walking destination isn’t bad, either: birds, turtles, lightning bugs, deer, tree fruit & nuts, fingerling trout, cloud formations and sunsets ~
i don't walk so great. i am mostly, not quite totally, homebound. it's been a hot summer; walks would've killed me. now that it's cool i should be able to use my walker (until it gets snowy and icy) but i have a sinus infection and that's triggering my asthma, so i can't really move about much at all. even if i could go for a walk, i would not go for more than several minutes. there is plenty of time to have the tv on AND go for a walk.