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I feel like this sight is a waist of time but mostly because you are the people who already get it... at least most of you... I’m busy spreading the message to vote, how, why and what to do to make your impact bigger... I’m still popping in here but it’s a closed system and I’m spending my internet time where I feel it could reach someone that might otherwise not vote! We are in serious times... I date a girl who will literally die if she looses healthcare! What’s going on is an abomination and subversion of our democracy... we have 3 weeks, I hope we can count on each other to each do our part to preserve and restore our democracy. The most important midterms in our short and troubled history. We have not yet ever been the sum of our aspersions as a nation but the path has grown dark... vote your asses off, I’ll be back, cheers

ArdentAtheist 8 Oct 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Please don't fall into the trap of thinking this website is only about political discussion; it is far more than that you know.

I’m a little singular in purpose at the moment but I defer to your wisdom 🙂

@ArdentAtheist I understand.


Thanks for spreading the word to vote. I appreciate the effort you make. ?


So you think people should vote, but only vote how you want them to?


I live in Australia and when there is an election you have to vote. If you don't you will be fined. I cannot imagine that those rules would ever be implemented in the US, seems like they want to stop people voting.

@Shelton It is, of course one can just scribble over the voting paper and that will make it invalid. Your name is not on it so no one will know. I rather like it that you have to vote, no excuses.

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